Arbre d’hélice - étambot en laiton nickelé - arbre inox - Filetage M2
Arbre d’hélice en inox - Filetage M2
11.05 €
Currently unavailable
Stern Tubes Made of Nickel-Plated Brass - Stainless Steel Shafts - M4 Thread
Arbre d’hélice - Filetage M4
Brass Stern Tubes - Stainless Steel Shafts - M4 Thread
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Propeller Shafts with Bracket
3-Blade Brass Propellers - A Type
3-Blade Brass Propeller - C-Type - M4 Thread
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3-Blade Brass Propeller - DM Type
4-Blade Brass Propeller - A Type
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