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Balsa : Wood for Model Making


Balsa wood comes from tropical regions of the Americas. Most boards/blocks of Balsa are from the sapwood, which is a white to off-white or tan color, sometimes with a pink or yellow hue.


Balsa has a straight grain with a medium to coarse texture and low natural luster. Generally very easy to work with a craft knife.


Common Uses: Buoys, rafts, surfboards, scale models, model airplanes, musical instruments, packing/transport cases, and fishing lures.


Balsa generally should not be used to hold nails, with glue being the preferred method of joining. UHU Hart glue is suitable for balsa wood.

Balsa - Block 40 x 40 x 500 mm

Balsa - Block 40 x 40 x 500 mm

21.00 €
Balsa - Dowels

Balsa - Dowels

  1.15 €
Balsa - Sheets

Balsa - Sheets

  3.61 €
Balsa - Square Sections

Balsa - Square Sections

  0.54 €
Balsa - Strips

Balsa - Strips

  0.76 €